Friday, December 10, 2010

Volume Control

I listen to you talking all day long,
I listen without making a sound.
I listen to you kill that wonderful song,
I listen to that voice you think you’ve found.
Sound frustrates me and bothers me and it
Irritates my sensitive ears.
I can’t find the mute button, I wish I could
I wish I could shut it all out! I really do!
Oh the tears; They flow so readily down my cheeks.
I can’t take this anymore, I really can’t!
There’s too much noise, there’s too much talk.
The voices in my head, they just won’t stop!
All I want to do is hide in a soundproof cardboard box.
Far, far away from the talking animals,
And the squawking animals, too
Actually, away from anything that makes the slightest sound.
Someplace where the only sound I can hear is my heart’s
That sound, now that sound is true.
But soon I’ll grow tired of that too,
I’ll wish that sound be gone,
I’ll hope my heart skips all its beats,
Extreme volume control. So long!

The Irritating Few

You take what’s mine
I give you more
I thought it was fine
Now I’m not too sure

Why is it so hard to see?
The true worth of what you get
Why is it so hard to be?
Somebody that I’m glad I met

Do you feel challenged by me?
I think you do
I don’t know why
But is it true?
It doesn’t have to be this difficult

It’s easier if you stay the way you were
If only you would. But you won’t, I know

It’s unfortunate how things go wrong
And all you can do is watch…

Disappointing, yes, but it’s true
You’re just a part of the irritating few…

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Butterflies in the Sea

The floorboards are creaking,
The windows are leaking,
There are butterflies sailing the sea.

The rain goes pitter patter
Annoying noise on a platter
Spledoosh! A puddle
Warm comforter. Cuddle
Hot chocolate? For me!
A book. Sure, throw one in
What's up? The ceiling fan

I see.

Paperboats in the puddle
Muddy water puddle
Muddy paperboats
Puddle's paperboats.

Floating on.

In this feel good weather
Lovely. Truly awesome!
You didn't know whether
You'd like this

Or not.

So the floorboards are creaking,
And the windows are leaking,
Oh just let this be!
After all, there are butterflies sailing the sea.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lesser Than 4

It's greater than something that's lesser than three,
It's something that's lesser than four.
But be careful;
It's not equal to, but greater than three...
Then again, it's not greater than four.

<3. A heart;
90 degrees off, but that's alright!
It's so pretty, you think.
So apt, so nice...
But yeah, just in case you want to say more;
Simple, real simple.

Use <4!

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Path

Rain is good,
Gloom is good.
Sadness brings happiness.

Sadness makes you better.
Gloom makes you look within,
Shade is the answer.

Shade gives you shelter,
Reality brings sadness,
Rain makes you take shelter.

Reality makes you better.
Sadness makes you wonder.
And happiness awaits...

Monday, March 15, 2010

It's All In My Head

Vertigo, vert-ego, you spin me around,
Vertigo, vert-ego, you scream, but I make no sound.
Vertigo. vert-ego, you make me all mean.
Vertigo, vert-ego, you're for the most part, unseen.
Vertigo, vert-ego, it's all in my head,
Vertigo, vert-ego, soon I'll be dead.
Vertigo, vert-ego, but will you let me die?
Vertigo, vert-ego, it's definitely worth a try...

But vert-ego, green-ego, will you leave then?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Wonderful World

The world is but a big, chunky globe,
Or geoid, call it what you may!
But there's more to the world than meets the eye,
So there's a lot more on your tray
Than you see, but I don't blame you, it's only natural,
To not notice things that take some figuring out.
Make you think, get you frustrated,
Make you smile, and even bum you out.

But think of it slowly, break it into little pieces...
Figure them out, piece it all together,
It makes a jigsaw worth solving, it does!
And you see things as they are, as they were, and will be..
And you realize that you're not alone!
You'll realize you're not alone at all,
In this wonderful, wonderful world!