Thursday, October 28, 2010

Butterflies in the Sea

The floorboards are creaking,
The windows are leaking,
There are butterflies sailing the sea.

The rain goes pitter patter
Annoying noise on a platter
Spledoosh! A puddle
Warm comforter. Cuddle
Hot chocolate? For me!
A book. Sure, throw one in
What's up? The ceiling fan

I see.

Paperboats in the puddle
Muddy water puddle
Muddy paperboats
Puddle's paperboats.

Floating on.

In this feel good weather
Lovely. Truly awesome!
You didn't know whether
You'd like this

Or not.

So the floorboards are creaking,
And the windows are leaking,
Oh just let this be!
After all, there are butterflies sailing the sea.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lesser Than 4

It's greater than something that's lesser than three,
It's something that's lesser than four.
But be careful;
It's not equal to, but greater than three...
Then again, it's not greater than four.

<3. A heart;
90 degrees off, but that's alright!
It's so pretty, you think.
So apt, so nice...
But yeah, just in case you want to say more;
Simple, real simple.

Use <4!