Thursday, February 25, 2010

Andromeda Teflon

I look up at the sky, at night,
To me you're so far off.
You're there in plain sight, with the other stars
But you're just so far off!

You twinkle, twinkle, and I make a wish,
Oh my! it slips right off your shine.
I'm still sincere, you teflon dish!
I'll wish until I make you mine.

Wishbone? You? I think not,
I only wish 'cause it's worth a shot!
So that on some star-filled night, in retrospect,
There won't be anything that I'll regret.

Why don't you take a look around? You'll find
That everything else is real close.
Suddenly I seem far, it's a mutual thing,
But I'm curious; When was I ever close?

I guess bright stars are meant to be far,
Maybe that's just the way it is...
My constellation is just a star,
One beautiful star that I won't miss...

But Andromeda sparkle! I'm from the Milky Way,
And you're the one, the one I chose!
How special does that make you feel?
Awesome? Good? Bad? It's real!
While you ponder over thoughts at hand,
I'll stare up at the stars around,
Especially at you...

I will stay true.

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