Monday, March 15, 2010

It's All In My Head

Vertigo, vert-ego, you spin me around,
Vertigo, vert-ego, you scream, but I make no sound.
Vertigo. vert-ego, you make me all mean.
Vertigo, vert-ego, you're for the most part, unseen.
Vertigo, vert-ego, it's all in my head,
Vertigo, vert-ego, soon I'll be dead.
Vertigo, vert-ego, but will you let me die?
Vertigo, vert-ego, it's definitely worth a try...

But vert-ego, green-ego, will you leave then?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Wonderful World

The world is but a big, chunky globe,
Or geoid, call it what you may!
But there's more to the world than meets the eye,
So there's a lot more on your tray
Than you see, but I don't blame you, it's only natural,
To not notice things that take some figuring out.
Make you think, get you frustrated,
Make you smile, and even bum you out.

But think of it slowly, break it into little pieces...
Figure them out, piece it all together,
It makes a jigsaw worth solving, it does!
And you see things as they are, as they were, and will be..
And you realize that you're not alone!
You'll realize you're not alone at all,
In this wonderful, wonderful world!

The Next Port

It's been so much fun just being around,
The memories, the thrills, and our crew.
I guess it's time to head to new ground
The sails are full. We move!

An eventful stay at the Pirate King's bay,
It's the most amazing place you'll ever see...
The most wonderful thing in the world I must say,
The best place that you'll ever be.

I don't want to remember the tavern. Last night's,
Rum is still making me swim
I see the sun over the ocean blue, bright...
Last night was so sober and grim.

That fight I picked with that peg-legged man,
I really think I hurt him too much,
He was the Pirate King, but how could I know?
Surprisingly it took only one touch!

Oh well, moving on, it was a weird little thing,
That seems funny in its own funny way.
The tale of my luck will be in the songs I will sing,
But in the meantime, there's something that I have to say.

You might jump ports, but yes, it is true,
Some places mean more, and it will hurt
To leave them behind, but the journey must happen,
So don't worry...

There's always the next port!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I scanned my friends, far and near,
I knew I'd spot you soon...
I knew I'd see you, see you here, and then
I knew I'd never let you disappear.

I saw you walk past, and I refrained,
I didn't know what to say.
What would I say? Would it be okay?
I had no idea... I couldn't read you,
I truly had no idea, okay?

So I spent my time wondering whether
What I was doing was right,
I didn't budge, and you didn't either...
Was this some unimaginable spite?

I sat down on a little wall
And lost myself in thought...
As much as I did what I did,
I did feel a bit hurt, no, a lot.

Then I wandered around, as usual
Floating on till I found my place.
I was just getting bored when you flitted in,
Flitted in to take up my case.

So you came by, and vented away
And I countered, it was all so fast...
My fault? Your fault? Whose fault? I really don't know!
Let's just call it a truce, this fight's not going to last!

Now things are back to how they were,
With a bright, red cherry on top.
I'm glad I finally got here, although it took a while,
Well, the weirdness just had to stop!

I really hope it gets better from here,
What will I do now? I don't know.
I really hope things get infinitely clear,
It's all going to be okay, I'm sure.